Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2019

table manners

Let me tell you something about table manners in Austria and England.
In Austria, for example, you should Always say "Mahlzeit" or "Guten Appetit" before you start Eating. Cut as much of your food with your fork as possible, because this compliments the cook by saying the food is very good. And the most important think is that you should finish everything on your plate. 

Typical table manners in England:
If there are many knives or forks on the table when you start eating, you must use the knife or fork that is the farthest away form your plate.
Bildergebnis für england foodIt is very difficult to eat peas because you must holt the knife in your right hand, your fork in your left hand, and you push the peas onto the back of the fork. If you are eating a bread roll, you break it into pieces before you will eat it with your fingers. 
And you should put the bread on a special side plate. 
But I think in England you do not eat as much as in Austria.

Bildergebnis für england

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