Donnerstag, 3. Oktober 2019

Sharing is caring

Hi Jon !

Hope your're good. You are interested in wheter teenagers care about what they do online.

I'm 16 years old and I'm online 2 hours a day.

I use the Internet to post pictures and chat with friends. Sometimes i comment under pictures of friends or famous people. I use Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram.

You say that teenagers couldn't care less about privacy. This i not true at all.
Teenagers are aware of the Internet because they grow up with the dangers and they already learn what they should do and what not. 

You also mention that schools should do more educate teenagers about the future impact of their online profile. 

I fully agree in some points with you. But not in all points.

In my opinion, it would be wise to learn more about cybersecurity as the teens would learn how to protect their computer or cell phone from hacker attacks. It would also be very advisable to learn how to rid your computer of viruses in elementary school.

Learning about how to procect your online identy would be highly interseting for all of us.

Maybe schools could offer different courses on cyber mobbing or cyber protection. I think that many students would come in the course, because it is also a very interesting topic and you can learn a lot about it. 

Another option would be to simply go wild without internet and mobile phone. Just the family. No I'm just joking.

Bloggers out there, what do you think about this issue??? 

Sharing is caring

Hi Jon ! Hope your're good. You are interested in wheter teenagers care about what they do online. I'm 16 years old and I'm ...